Make changes to your account here. Click save when you're done.
- Can be controlled or uncontrolled.
- Supports horizontal/vertical orientation.
- Supports automatic/manual activation.
- Full keyboard navigation.
Install the component from your command line.
$ npm add reka-ui
Import all parts and piece them together.
<script setup>
import { TabsContent, TabsIndicator, TabsList, TabsRoot, TabsTrigger } from 'reka-ui'
<TabsIndicator />
<TabsTrigger />
<TabsContent />
API Reference
Contains all the tabs component parts.
Prop | Default | Type |
activationMode | 'automatic' | 'automatic' | 'manual' Whether a tab is activated automatically (on focus) or manually (on click). |
as | 'div' | AsTag | Component The element or component this component should render as. Can be overwritten by |
asChild | boolean Change the default rendered element for the one passed as a child, merging their props and behavior. Read our Composition guide for more details. | |
defaultValue | string | number The value of the tab that should be active when initially rendered. Use when you do not need to control the state of the tabs | |
dir | 'ltr' | 'rtl' The reading direction of the combobox when applicable. | |
modelValue | string | number The controlled value of the tab to activate. Can be bind as | |
orientation | 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'horizontal' The orientation the tabs are laid out. Mainly so arrow navigation is done accordingly (left & right vs. up & down) |
unmountOnHide | true | boolean When |
Emit | Payload |
update:modelValue | [payload: StringOrNumber] Event handler called when the value changes |
Slots (default) | Payload |
modelValue | string | number Current input values |
Data Attribute | Value |
[data-orientation] | "vertical" | "horizontal" |
Contains the triggers that are aligned along the edge of the active content.
Prop | Default | Type |
as | 'div' | AsTag | Component The element or component this component should render as. Can be overwritten by |
asChild | boolean Change the default rendered element for the one passed as a child, merging their props and behavior. Read our Composition guide for more details. | |
loop | true | boolean When |
Data Attribute | Value |
[data-orientation] | "vertical" | "horizontal" |
The button that activates its associated content.
Prop | Default | Type |
as | 'button' | AsTag | Component The element or component this component should render as. Can be overwritten by |
asChild | boolean Change the default rendered element for the one passed as a child, merging their props and behavior. Read our Composition guide for more details. | |
disabled | false | boolean When |
value* | string | number A unique value that associates the trigger with a content. |
Data Attribute | Value |
[data-state] | "active" | "inactive" |
[data-disabled] | Present when disabled |
[data-orientation] | "vertical" | "horizontal" |
The indicator that highlights the current active tab.
Prop | Default | Type |
as | 'div' | AsTag | Component The element or component this component should render as. Can be overwritten by |
asChild | boolean Change the default rendered element for the one passed as a child, merging their props and behavior. Read our Composition guide for more details. |
CSS Variable | Description |
--reka-tabs-indicator-size | The size of the indicator. |
--reka-tabs-indicator-position | The position of the indicator |
Contains the content associated with each trigger.
Prop | Default | Type |
as | 'div' | AsTag | Component The element or component this component should render as. Can be overwritten by |
asChild | boolean Change the default rendered element for the one passed as a child, merging their props and behavior. Read our Composition guide for more details. | |
forceMount | boolean Used to force mounting when more control is needed. Useful when controlling animation with Vue animation libraries. | |
value* | string | number A unique value that associates the content with a trigger. |
Data Attribute | Value |
[data-state] | "active" | "inactive" |
[data-orientation] | "vertical" | "horizontal" |
You can create vertical tabs by using the orientation
<script setup>
import { TabsContent, TabsList, TabsRoot, TabsTrigger } from 'reka-ui'
<TabsList aria-label="tabs example">
<TabsTrigger value="tab1">
<TabsTrigger value="tab2">
<TabsTrigger value="tab3">
<TabsContent value="tab1">
Tab one content
<TabsContent value="tab2">
Tab two content
<TabsContent value="tab3">
Tab three content
Adheres to the Tabs WAI-ARIA design pattern.
Keyboard Interactions
Key | Description |
Tab | When focus moves onto the tabs, focuses the active trigger. When a trigger is focused, moves focus to the active content. |
ArrowDown | Moves focus to the next trigger depending on orientation and activates its associated content. |
ArrowRight | Moves focus to the next trigger depending on orientation and activates its associated content. |
ArrowUp | Moves focus to the previous trigger depending on orientation and activates its associated content. |
ArrowLeft | Moves focus to the previous trigger depending on orientation and activates its associated content. |
Home | Moves focus to the first trigger and activates its associated content. |
End | Moves focus to the last trigger and activates its associated content. |